Democracy is ruined forever with the new version of Don't Tase Me Bro!
I'm quite excited to announce that I'm finally nearing what I expect to be the final 1.0 version of DTMB. It now features a larger protester hand, many more variants, and an impeccably revised rulebook. All playtests are positive, and at this point I'm pretty sure it's about making the rulebook clearer, and getting it out the door!
What is it?
It's a print-and-play card game for 2 players. All you need are a deck of playing cards, a six-sided die, and a sense of humor. Faith in our Democracy is optional.
How Do I Get It?
How Much Does It Cost?
The print-and-play version is free, because apparently I hate money.
Who's Your Publisher?
I don't have one yet, but if you or someone you know is interested in publish a game like this, please contact me at